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Wednesday, 22 September 2010


Great session in the rain today lads. Keep up the good work this Sunday in the match against Dunvant. Meet at Bishopston 10:15.

Some important information for the parents:

1. Last Sunday was a great success in terms of player participation. When we are away from home we aim to arrange 2 matches as often as possible. Any feedback on this would be appreciated.

2. Gumshield fitting is likely to take place at the Dentist surgery at Port Tennant in the next couple of weeks. Details to follow, but if you are interested let me know.

3. We need some volunteers. A Hotdog Captain and a Lottery Chief. We need someone to organise this side of the team. This doesn't mean you have to actually DO the hotdogs or Lottery every week - just make sure that someone does! We'd hope that everyone would take turns to buy hotdogs and sell tickets, but it would work alot better if one person coordinated. Duties required of these posts are given below. Applications for these prestigious positions will be gratefully received by Mike (

Hotdogs: For every home game we go back to the rugby club. Hotdogs are always there, but someone needs to buy rolls for our team (plus a few extra for visitors) and bring them back. About 30 rolls is right, and this can even be done on the Sunday on the way past the Coop. At the club someone needs to heat them up, distribute, and collect 50p from parents who want them - or boys who want more than one. We are open to any other catering suggestions that involve something a tad healthier than hotdogs, though we all accept how much easier they are.

Lottery: At every home game we have the opportunity to sell lottery tickets. Half of the cost goes directly to the Wildcats. This should be a nice fund raising exercise for us, but needs to be promoted. It is dead easy - just get someone to go round the crowd on a match day, chose 4 numbers, leave a phone number, and that is it. Tickets can be returned to me or Skinny behind the bar. Draws take place every couple of weeks, and tickets are valid for 'the next draw'. We have had a winner in the lottery already - I think trousering £250, but if we get this off the ground across the junior section we will be able to offer a MUCH bigger jackpot, and more for the team.

Note nothing is required of either of these jobs on an away match day, just the home ones. It's not much, and would really help the smooth running of the team.