Amidst the rain we have some good news. It may be a few months away but here is a date for your diaries...Sunday 1st May
The Wildcats end of season event will be a 'mini tour' to the Vale of Glamorgan. We will take a coach in the morning to Cowbridge, where we will play a couple of matches against the local Cowbridge under 9s. After lunch we will take the lads to the nearby Task Force outdoor LaserTag where they can spend the afternoon shooting each other (or the coaches). An ideal way to end the season I am sure you will agree.
I will send a teamer out soon, so everyone has plenty of warning. I will need to know final numbers pretty soon, so we can organise transport etc. This is an approximate schedule for the day:
Meet coach at Mumbles Rugby Club 10:00 Sunday 1st May
Arrive Cowbridge and warm up. Play between 11:30 - 12:30
Hot Dogs back at the Cowbridge Clubhouse
14:00 leave Cowbridge on Coach to Task Force
14:30 Arrive Task Force for instructions. LaserTag between 15:00-17:00.
Depart TaskForce 17:00. Arrive back in Mumbles 18:00.
We expect the cost for the day will be about £20 per player (subsidised) including transport. I hope everyone can make it. The Laser Tag is a fantastic outdoor activity for the lads who aren't quite old enough for paintball. Details can be found here.